1. The design of individual interventions

All target trees were selected, a total of 350 trees. A GPS localization was done, the trees were measured, their current condition and proposed measures were described. Activity completed.

2. Implementation of individual types of management for senescent trees

The tender documentation was processed and the tender procedure was held. Only one company applied for the tender, which met the required professional parameters. An implementation contract was concluded. The implementation will begin at the end of March. Compared to the original schedule, the implementation will start later due to the longer duration of the tender process. The deadline for the completion of the implementation of interventions should be respected.

 3. The implementation of veteranisation

The tender documentation was processed and the tender procedure was held. An implementation contract was concluded. Only one company applied for the tender, which met the required professional parameters. Implementation will begin at the end of March. Compared to the original schedule, the implementation will start later due to the longer duration of the tender process. The planned completion of the activity is thus postponed to 30.4.2023.

4. Creation of care plans for individual trees

Materials for processing care plans for individual trees were obtained (all target trees selected, GPS localization, their current state described). The activity runs according to the schedule.